Saturday, February 7, 2009

Still Going

Hey Y'all,

Not too much new to report. I'm in town this weekend taking care of the insurance stuff for my stolen baggage. I just got an email from them saying they are going to send a check and were just confirming the address. So that is awesome and hopefully I'll get to replace some of the stuff that was stolen.

On that note, my parents have already gotten the Planet Earth DVDs and a headlamp, so I'll take those off the list. A few people have mentioned wanting to contribute towards the projector. Dell has one that is $400 and fits in the palm of your hand. It look pretty great, but I don't have a lot of time for research. Perhaps if people want to contribute a little bit of money then it wouldn't be a big burden on people. Maybe discuss in the comments a little.

Okay, enough of that.

I still have very happy "moments of Zen" on a daily basis. For example, I was sitting in the grass under the shade of a large oak tree out front of the Machina (shop run by any ethnic Asian). The Machina owner reclined in his shop singing along to something in Mandarin, reading a magazine, while I chomped away on some Pizza Chips (star shaped Cheetos with "Real Italian Pizza Seasoning") and drinking warm Sprite out of a bottle that has been continuously refilled since the bottle's 2002 creation. The sun was shining, no clouds were in the sky, and things were good. I smiled.

Little moments like that happen often, and it I have become quite used to the slower pace of life.

I just finished reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and am surprised that nobody has pushed it on me before. I found myself constantly having 'EXACTLY!' moments and will probably re-read it again after having some time to absorb it.

Sorry, but others are in line to use the internet right now, so I'm going to cut off here. It will be a couple weeks before I'm back in town, but should have a good update then. Everybody stay well, and be excited that I'm going to become an uncle this week! Keep Candice in your prayers and put in a word for it being a boy (I'll edit this post if it's a girl).



rhyoungren said...

You weren't ready.
Now, you are.
You ended up half way around the world to have a moment. It could have happened in LA, but you weren't where you are now, you weren't ready to experience. What's exciting about your move to the Peace Corps is that you're in for a lot of moments. And you're ready, now that you've done motorcycle maintenance.
El V

Maggie said...

I am finally updating my blog. You're welcome :) Also, thanks for listing that Planet Earth is taken, I was literally about to buy it yesterday. Phew.

I love the moment of zen, and that it's not in the Daily Show way - a moment of total ridiculousness or absurdity, but a true moment of life - in a way that means something. Hooray.

I find myself having those moments, but they're usually because of the in-your-face-ness of the place I live. The mountains are insane. And totally keep everything in perspective. I'm a lucky lucky girl. And golly I miss you.

Can't wait to hear if it's a Boy or Girl Goliath! So excited for Candice and Ryan and your whole fam. Youngrens, you have a card in the mail too - Sorry it took me so darn long!

Lots and lots of love - I will try to reload Skype tonight and call you before the weekend is gone.

I'm sitting in a coffee shop in town right now, it is ridiculously hot in here, and Matt Nathanson just came on the radio - such kismet.


Justin said...

Hey Phil, you're old work is going to try and rustle you up a projector (the dell one or equivalent). Let us know if you've found other means of getting one.

How reliable is the mail situation? We don't want this thing to get stolen. Alan volunteered to bring it to you in person, but barring that do you think we should hide or conceal it in another package?


Unknown said...

Hi Phil----got the food news about your niece from Great Grandpa via Illinois. So glad I picked the color pink for her blanket. I hated to leave Dixon with your grandma not good but it was time to get back home. When I talked to Herb on tues----they had put her on a gurney and taken her outside----she surely enjoyed that. Happy Valentine day ---- Love, Aunt Ruth

Liz said...

got my phone bill today.

:::sheepish grin:::

probably won't be making another call just yet...but I did pick up a handful of international stamps, so we're going to have to keep up the old fashioned way until I can save up for another international call.... :-)

it was worth it; NO question.

Amanda said...

phil i have had a letter for awhile and am going to send it this week and sent one weeks ago. I hope you get it sometime soon! i love you tons! amanda

Maggie said...

Happy Valentine's Day! I miss you, and am sending you lots of love. I decided it would be worth it to save up all my letters and send one big package, based on mailing costs - so when you get it (I'm hoping to send them in a week) you'll have to ration out all the letters. Thanks for sending me a letter too, it was awesome to read your handwriting:)

Congrats on being an uncle to the cutest baby I've seen in a looong time - SO precious! (told you it would be a girl :-P )

Roshawn said...

We took up a collection here at work -- so far we have the Physics, Biology, and Chemistry textbooks and an electrical wiring guide (do you prefer a print-out or CD? Maybe both?). We're working on a projector -- see Justin's comment. Hope to get that stuff in the mail to you soon.

Really enjoy the blog... we're all pulling for you!


Maggie said...

You were in my dream last night - you brought your students to Teton Science School and I was their field teacher, but you were really nonchalant about seeing me. So when this dream comes true, you had better be super excited to see me.

Unknown said...

Hi Phil----your aunt Ruth here----Flicka and I are going to Bellingham on March 7th and coming home on the 10th---just to see Lucy! We will stay at our friends Nancy and Sam's --- they have a little dog named Lucy! I have also signed up to take a trip to Egypt-----no bike riding. It is from Nov. 18th till Dec.4th ------same continent as you ------ maybe you could come to Cairo!!! Love you

Teresa said...

Phil..... You're awesome and so are your friends. So great to see the interest and support from your NG Buds.

Lucy is gorgeous. You'll have to visit with her on Skype soon.

Love you, be well. Mom