Sunday, October 5, 2008

5 Weeks Out

Five weeks from tomorrow I’ll be at staging for my Peace Corps service in Lesotho. I’m sure my feelings of excitement, anxiety and sometimes, usually when I’m about to fall asleep, trepidation, are normal. Right? No doubt my constant packing list revisions are typical. After all, it’s the only thing I have control over right now. All of my Peace Corps paperwork is in, there are so many things I’d like to finish at work that I’m resigned to the fact that it won’t all get done, and my To-Do list in LA will be closed out soon enough.

In less than four weeks I’ll be leaving Los Angeles after being a resident for over six years. I’ve come to view my relationship with LA like a medium-length arranged marriage. I was excited and nervous to move, but after moving did not like what I saw. After a while I grew to tolerate it, later found aspects of it I loved, but finally realized it just is not going to work. But Los Angeles is a lifestyle, and it’s a lifestyle that’s kind of fun right now.

So here I am, four weeks from moving from my home of the last six years and five weeks from moving from my country, trying to balance preparing for living overseas for two years and leaving LA with a sense of closure and completeness. We’ll see how it goes…

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